Colombia Excelso Sugarcane Decaf
Product Description
This site is being shut down. Please visit our new host at https://www.swroasting.coffeeLight bodied with honeysuckle and violet tones alongside honeydew sweetness in the cup. I can gulp this coffee down it's so refreshing. City roast.
Will it spro? Yes, slightly easier to extract than every decaf I've tried from other roasters. Beautiful dense shots bursting with Lilac and Rose in the cup.
Don't miss the opportunity to compare with our Colombia Cattleya Excelso to experience how processing changes the flavor!
Colombia, Castillo, and Caturra varietals, washed process, sugarcane EA decaffeination, grown by smallholder farmers in the Risaralda region, 1400-1900 masl.
Sold in 1 lb bags.